Confidently Incompetent: The Top of Mount Stupid
  •  6/18/2024 04:37 AM

Think you're a master of everything you try? Newsflash: you might be on top of Mount Stupid! ️ Learn about the Dunning-Kruger Effect and how to recognize when you're overestimating your abilities. This post will help you climb down (or maybe never reach the top in the first place). We will also look at another learning model that can help with self-awareness. Either way, leave me a comment on your thoughts.

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The Unlearning Process: Becoming Wiser by Being Wrong
  •  9/6/2023 09:37 AM

Discover how embracing intellectual humility and challenging assumptions can lead to true growth and wisdom. Uncover lessons from history, nature, and the groundbreaking work of Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman that inspire a shift in perspective, reminding us that being wrong can be a stepping stone toward being just a little more right.

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Are We Putting the EmPHAsis on the Wrong SylLAble in PLC?
  •  8/23/2023 05:41 AM

This thought-provoking blog post takes you on a journey from conventional meetings to dynamic learning communities. It all began with a powerful quote from Ann Mausbach: "PLCs aren't meetings..." Discover how this revelation reshapes the way we approach PLCs. Alongside insights from instructional coach Felicity Liversidge and a surprising lesson from Sister Jean, we explore the true essence of PLCs and what it means to emphasize the "L" in this acronym. Plus, don't miss out on the inspiring podcast that sparked this revelation: The School Leadership Show. And explore the valuable resources shared by Felicity Liversidge on her website, Lifelong Learning and Inspiring.

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