Confidently Incompetent: The Top of Mount Stupid
  •  6/18/2024 04:37 AM

Think you're a master of everything you try? Newsflash: you might be on top of Mount Stupid! ️ Learn about the Dunning-Kruger Effect and how to recognize when you're overestimating your abilities. This post will help you climb down (or maybe never reach the top in the first place). We will also look at another learning model that can help with self-awareness. Either way, leave me a comment on your thoughts.

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Formula 1: Beyond the Numbers in Education
  •  3/11/2024 11:16 AM

Are there compelling parallels to education and Formula 1 racing? Explore the intricate balance needed between data and human intuition, uncovering how both realms rely on nuanced interpretations for success. Join us on a journey where the high-speed precision of Formula 1 meets the artful decision-making of educators, proving that in education, just like in racing, it's the small tweaks that make monumental differences.

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Nearly Logical Classrooms
  •  10/11/2023 03:36 AM

If you've ever wondered why life often appears just a tad more mathematical and orderly than it actually is, you're not alone. Are your days reasonably predictable or just nearly reasonable? Do you find yourself oscillating between rigid logic and trusting your intuition? Is it all merely a dance of the unpredictable? With more questions than answers on our hands, join us on an insightful journey as we explore the concept of nearly logical classrooms across America.

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