Nearly Logical Classrooms
  •  10/11/2023 03:36 AM

If you've ever wondered why life often appears just a tad more mathematical and orderly than it actually is, you're not alone. Are your days reasonably predictable or just nearly reasonable? Do you find yourself oscillating between rigid logic and trusting your intuition? Is it all merely a dance of the unpredictable? With more questions than answers on our hands, join us on an insightful journey as we explore the concept of nearly logical classrooms across America.

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Educational Lottery... I mean Equity: Designing Teachers
  •  10/5/2023 10:53 AM

Dig into the profound quote by Hattie, Fisher, and Frey, "Every student deserves a great teacher, not by chance, but by design," in our latest post. We dissect the intricate concept of the "educational lottery" and its challenges, recognizing that solving it is no easy feat. But don't despair — join us as we explore practical strategies that hold the promise of reducing chance and nurturing more supportive environments for teachers and leaders. Discover how we can move closer to a future of equitable education in this compelling read.

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Painfully Lost or Purposefully Disoriented?
  •  9/27/2023 10:57 AM

Discover how the pain of getting lost can lead to the pleasure of self-realization, as you navigate through life's unexpected detours and redefine your path. Or is it? Join us in contemplating the idea that being lost isn't a temporary detour but a lifelong journey, offering continuous exploration of our ever-unfolding selves.

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Apathy, Engagement, and the Power of Intrinsic Curiosity
  •  9/14/2023 07:51 AM

Today students seem more and more apathetic. We explore Berger's quote on apathy and if we as educators can do anything about this serious issue. Come explore the journey from student apathy to vibrant engagement through the power of intrinsic curiosity in education.

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The Unlearning Process: Becoming Wiser by Being Wrong
  •  9/6/2023 09:37 AM

Discover how embracing intellectual humility and challenging assumptions can lead to true growth and wisdom. Uncover lessons from history, nature, and the groundbreaking work of Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman that inspire a shift in perspective, reminding us that being wrong can be a stepping stone toward being just a little more right.

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Are We Putting the EmPHAsis on the Wrong SylLAble in PLC?
  •  8/23/2023 05:41 AM

This thought-provoking blog post takes you on a journey from conventional meetings to dynamic learning communities. It all began with a powerful quote from Ann Mausbach: "PLCs aren't meetings..." Discover how this revelation reshapes the way we approach PLCs. Alongside insights from instructional coach Felicity Liversidge and a surprising lesson from Sister Jean, we explore the true essence of PLCs and what it means to emphasize the "L" in this acronym. Plus, don't miss out on the inspiring podcast that sparked this revelation: The School Leadership Show. And explore the valuable resources shared by Felicity Liversidge on her website, Lifelong Learning and Inspiring.

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A Dynamic Shift: The Path from "Yeah, But" to "And, How"
  •  8/1/2023 07:41 AM

Explore the intriguing interplay between two distinct thought systems – one recognizing challenges and the other embracing innovative solutions. Don't be fooled, both "Yeah, But" and "And, How" thinking styles each contribute unique strengths to the problem-solving process. Discover how to use a protocol to allow diverse thinking styles to harmoniously coexist and generate the best ideas.

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What Preferred Future Are You Working Toward?
  •  7/24/2023 05:30 AM

Vision as a plan and vision as sight. How do you craft a plan that reads confidence and sparks movement? Uncover the steps and ingredients to crafting a powerful vision that inspires unity, fosters collaboration, and propels everyone toward a brighter and more successful future.

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The "10th Man" Approach: A Strategic Move for Team Success
  •  7/18/2023 08:40 AM

Drawing inspiration from James Hunter's book, "The Servant," and the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad's real-world strategy, this article gets into the significance of embracing diverse perspectives and cognitive diversity within teams and organizations. Discover how challenging the status quo and promoting healthy dissonance can lead to innovative thinking, enhanced decision-making, and unparalleled team success.

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Are We All Just a Curated Collection of a Flawless Facade?
  •  7/7/2023 11:28 AM

Explore the theme of embracing fallibility and the liberating power of making mistakes. In this blog we get into the pressures of perfectionism in today's society and the importance of allowing ourselves the space to learn and grow from our missteps. Discover practical strategies to break free from perfectionist tendencies and cultivate authenticity in a world that often demands flawlessness.

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Beyond the Noise: Truth doesn't need Theatrics
  •  6/29/2023 07:24 AM

Let's look at the contrast between truth and lies. Inspired by a moving scene from the movie "The Jesus Revolution," the author explores the overwhelming challenge of discerning truth in a world filled with competing voices. Drawing upon the wisdom of Kay's profound line, the post highlights how authentic truth quietly manifests itself, devoid of grand gestures or sensationalism, and connects it to the principles of transformational leadership and the captivating nature of truth itself.

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Engagement Unveiled: From Mythical Unicorns to Tangible Transformation
  •  6/23/2023 08:09 AM

With Dr. Heather Lyon's profound quote and the remarkable character of Lidia Poet as our guides, we challenge the status quo, redefine compliance, and advocate for a paradigm shift towards authentic student engagement that empowers learners and transforms educational experiences.

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