Understanding Your Role as a Meaning-Maker:              Traversing Philosophy, Leadership, and Science
  •  1/15/2024 10:25 AM

Explore the intricate sides of perspectives - simple or complex? Journey from philosophy to leadership and jump into neuroscientific insights, discovering the power we hold in shaping our realities. This exploration invites you to embrace empathy, curiosity, and a deeper understanding of the diverse worlds others see, emphasizing the importance of your role as a meaning-maker.

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Pinkify Your Goals (it's not a Barbie thing)
  •  1/8/2024 07:29 AM

How do you discern which goals are "right?" What if we explored the edges of Daniel Pink and Marie Kondo's wisdom? In this post, we uncover new "Spark and Streamline" thinking and how it can become a mantra for transforming goal-setting.

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Curious: When Was the Last Time You Touched a Monkey?
  •  12/29/2023 09:54 AM

We will explore the perils of wisdom from the wise sage Ted Lasso. Join a thought-provoking adventure that takes unexpected turns with David Sedaris' unconventional questions, showcasing the transformative power of curiosity and the profound difference one more question can make.

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Mean or Meaningless?
  •  12/18/2023 01:09 PM

Unpack the layers of an unknown quote and discover the pitfalls of extremes. From navigating dress dilemmas with Lily to the unexpected realm of President Obama's Anger Translator, Luther, find humor and wisdom in the pursuit of honest and compassionate communication. Is. lying really nice? Are words of blunt force trauma helpful? Well, maybe there's another way.

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Birthdays, Sexism, and Invented Realities
  •  12/11/2023 10:56 AM

Explore the intriguing parallels between birthdays and sexism. Discover how societal constructs, from numerical systems to societal norms, shape our perceptions in this thought-provoking examination of invented realities.

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Leadership: Joyful or Joyless
  •  12/5/2023 10:58 AM

The highs and lows, the joyful and joyless leaders and their impact. How do different leadership styles show joy? And uncover the impact of joylessness in leadership, revealing the void it creates, hindering growth and stifling creativity within teams.

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Turning Grievances into Growth: Leveraging Dissatisfaction
  •  11/27/2023 09:51 AM

Explore the journey from discontentment to caution against depression and discover how dissatisfaction can spark transformative change. Uncover the power D, V, F in starting conversations and preventing your organization from becoming the dreaded "C" word.

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What is Collaboration? Getting Beyond Cooperation
  •  11/16/2023 09:04 AM

Collaboration, a topic that resonates deeply with educators, is our focus today. Collaboration permeates different aspects of the educational landscape, contributing to the collective growth, success, and continuous improvement of schools and students. We hear and see collaboration through PLCs, curriculum development, student support services, and almost all aspects of school leadership. So let’s explore one of my favorite quotes on collaboration to provide some context and connection to schools.

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Burnout: Pretending is Preventing
  •  11/9/2023 08:28 AM

In this week's blog post, we explore the delicate balance between resilience and vulnerability by unpacking the quote, by Levi Lusko, "The problem isn't that you have felt burnt out, the problem perhaps is you didn't know what to do when you did feel that way. Pretending is preventing." This week, I get personal and emphasize the importance of authenticity and seeking support among life's blizzards. But be prepared, because of course, there's a twist. It's a narrative of growth, honesty, and the true strength found in acknowledging our struggles.

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No Hesitation with a Dash of Determination, Please
  •  11/1/2023 10:46 AM

Ever feel like you cannot hesitate for one moment or it will be perceived as weakness? In this empowering post, you'll explore personal stories and real-life examples of remarkable trailblazers. Discover how women with unwavering determination confront challenges and biases in male-dominated environments. Join the movement to be a crown-fixer, celebrate achievements, and support one another on the path to progress. After all, there's no competition, and there's enough room for all of us.

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Recipe of Restraint: The Charcuterie Approach to Life and Leadership
  •  10/27/2023 09:12 AM

Simple wisdom: "My success isn't all about what I do. It's also about what I don't do." Discover how success hinges not only on our actions but also on our restraint. Uncover the hidden assassin of progress – the over-doer who appears busy but lacks true leadership. Learn the art of avoidance, a critical element of success, as we prioritize quality over quantity and significance over busyness. We will dissect this simple quote to understand that true success lies in strategic choices and allocating time and energy to what genuinely moves the needle in both life and leadership.

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Imperfectly Perfecting Excellence
  •  10/21/2023 01:03 PM

Excellence is a state of being, not a goal to achieve or miss. To truly succeed, we often feel compelled not just to be excellent but to be perfect. However, the harsh truth is that the pursuit of perfection doesn't propel us forward. In reality, it undermines us in more ways than we might comprehend.

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