Melissa Laun is an experienced educator and leader with a passion for exceptional education and leadership. Holding an undergraduate degree in special and elementary education, as well as a master's degree in adolescent education, Melissa has contributed her expertise in diverse classroom settings and as an adjunct professor at the graduate level. She has also served as the Assistant Project Director for the New York State Response to Intervention Technical Assistance Center (NYS RtI TAC). Melissa furthered her educational journey by obtaining an advanced certificate in Educational Leadership, and she has held leadership roles as the Student and Support Services Director at a charter school, within the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), and as the Director of Special Education and Grants in a local school district.
With a deep commitment to alternative educational opportunities, a focus on strengths, and a dedication to taking educated risks in traditional education, Melissa advocates for shared services, hands-on training, and career and technical programming. As the CEO of Karaton, she actively seeks ways to support women in leadership and promote inclusivity for people with disabilities.
Guided by the company's values of honesty, continuous learning, and excellence, Melissa ensures that Karaton Consulting provides transparent and trustworthy guidance, fostering a culture of continuous learning and the highest standards of excellence.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Melissa finds parenting to be the most challenging yet rewarding role, considering it the hardest job in the world. Additionally, she holds her relationship with her husband in the highest regard, prioritizing it above all else in this world, second only to her beloved dog. With unwavering commitment and love, Melissa nurtures her family and cherishes the deep bond she shares with her husband of 20-plus years.
What you get when you hire me:
As a divergent thinker who takes personal psychological ownership of my thoughts and actions, you get a coach who is committed to honesty and excellence. I’m adept at dealing with problems and welcome opportunities to think through ideas, theories, and high-quality solutions.
I ask thought-provoking questions so we get directly to the root of problems and outline the right solutions. I get no joy at solving the wrong problem (no one has time for that). This involves discussing past events and collecting current evidence to anticipate potential future pitfalls and exciting new possibilities. I prefer the shortest route to eradicating deficiencies. All of this is done through a dignified and psychologically safe approach of honesty from all so we can quickly get to a place of doing better and celebrating success.

General Education
Special Education
Educational Administration
Gallup CliftonStrengths coach
Effective Literacy coach (LLI)
Nationally certified in Facilitative Leadership through NYU.
Instructional Coaching
Leadership Coaching
Teacher Coaching
Professional Coaching
Strategic Alignment and Improvement
Special Education